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View the campaign results

To view the results, you must access a campaign.

All the detail of the campaign can be found here. For more information about it, read the Annotation Campaign detail section.

You can access the "Detailed progression" of all annotators.

From here, you can then download the results and status CSV files.


A table containing all annotations and comments left by the campaign annotators.

datasetstringName of the dataset.
filenamestringName of the file.
start_timefloatRelative start of the annotation
end_timefloatRelative end of the annotation
start_frequencyintLower frequency of the annotation
end_frequencyintHigher frequency of the annotation
annotationstringLabel of the annotation
annotatorstringAuthor of the annotation or comment
annotator_expertiseNOVICE / AVERAGE / EXPERTExpertise level of the annotator at the time the annotation was made
start_datetimetimestampAbsolute start of the annotation
end_datetimetimestampAbsolute end of the annotation
is_boxbooleanEither the annotation is a box or a weak annotation
confidence_indicator_labelstringThe name of the level of confidence (if exists)
The level of confidence on the maximum level available (if exists)
commentsstringComment left by the annotator.
signal_qualityGOOD / BADIf the signal is sufficiently qualitative to specify its features
signal_start_frequencyintFrequency at start of signal (in Hz)
signal_end_frequencyintFrequency at the end of the signal (in Hz))
signal_relative_max_frequency_countintNumber of relative maxima
signal_relative_min_frequency_countintNumber of relative minimums
signal_steps_countintNumber of steps in the signal
signal_has_harmonicsbooleanIf the signal contains harmonics
signal_trendFLAT / ASCENDING / DESCENDING / MODULATEDGeneral trend of the signal


A table indicating the submission status for all files and by all annotators.

datasetstringName of the dataset.
filenamestringName of the file.
State of submission of the annotator (column) on the file (line)